Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Judge rules in favor of Wal-Mart construction"

From the Daily Evergreen Online:
The appeal did not provide sufficient evidence to overturn the city examiner's approval of the construction in February, the judge said.

A judge ruled in favor of Wal-Mart this afternoon, rejecting an appeal filed by citizens attempting to stop construction of a supercenter in Pullman. Whitman County Superior Court Judge David Frazier decided the appeal did not provide sufficient evidence to overturn the city examiner's approval of the construction in February. In October 2004, Wal-Mart announced its intent to construct a store off Bishop Boulevard. The 223,000-square-foot building would be across the street from Safeway.

Concerned residents formed Pullman/People Against Wal-Mart Supercenter in early 2005, with a goal of keeping the retailer out of the city. PAWS later changed its name to the Pullman Alliance for Responsible Development. The group claims the store would pose numerous environmental and traffic problems for the area. It also argues existing businesses would face a serious threat from a low-price retailer such as Wal-Mart.

A year ago, residents on the other side of the debate formed their own group, Businesses and Residents for Economic Opportunity. BREO members argue Pullman is losing a significant amount of sales revenue to Moscow and other areas, and Wal-Mart would help keep that money in town.

In February, the city hearing examiner determined that Wal-Mart would not have a significant environmental impact. PARD appealed his decision to Whitman County Superior Court in March.

Frazier sent the case back to the hearing examiner over the summer for clarification on the decision. Frazier listened to the latest arguments on the matter during today's hearing.
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