Saturday, May 30, 2009

Don't Rain On My Parade

Portland is "The City Of Roses" & in late May & early June the city celebrates with The Rose Festival (established in 1907). This means 2 parades - The Starlight & The Grand Floral, the "Fun Center" on the waterfront, the presentation of the Rose Princesses & crowning of the Rose Queen, Dragon Boat Races & the one & only thing I enjoy about the festival- FLEET WEEK.

Portland is blessed with cool wet springs & many a Rose Festival has been held in the most miserable of cold pounding rainstorms. Crabby old man that I am, I always get a good chuckle out of a parade ruined by sheets of rain pouring down on the unfortunate hordes. Not this year... Portland has had a week + of mid-80s & sunny days & beautiful nights. Those conditions are predicted to last through the weekend & for the next 10 days. Damn!

I really dislike anytime there is a large gathering of people who aren't usually there (unless they are there to see me). This would include: Renaissance Fairs, Folklife Festivals, state & county fairs, & my most dreaded - parades. I work in downtown Portland & tonight is the Starlight Parade. The parade-goers start camping out on the parade route 24 hours before the event. I will get off work at 8pm & will have to find my way home through the parade route. The parade actually wraps around the building that I work in. Besides having to deal with the horrid crowds & their children, in from the suburbs, I actually might run into one of that most disturbing of characters- a clown! But then, I also stand a good chance of running into a lonely sailor, on his first visit to Portland, asking for directions.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Neha Dhupia at AXN Awards

Neha Dhupia at AXN Action Awards Promotional
Stunning Neha Dhupia at AXN Action Awards Promotional Event AXN presents the latest power packed edition of the.......
12 Images

Kim Kardashian Running Out Publicity Ideas

Kim Kardashian attempts to stretch Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame theory in debuting blonde tresses while out and about on the streets of Manhattan in New York City over the.......


Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Really Happened

At work, while pulling a double shot of espresso, I had failed to notice that the second shot was not finished pouring. I had pulled the cup away, but the shot continued to pour. Embarrassed, I quickly replaced the cup. As I turned back to the handsome customer to apologize, he made eye contact with me & said- " Oh, man! You pulled that out so fast...I thought I was gonna loose your shot!"

Words To Live By

"Be who you are & say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind."
Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

25 years ago today

1984 was my favorite year. I have a future post with the specifics, but in a nutshell:
1. I lived in Seattle, a spectacular & vibrant city that was just coming into it's own as a world player
2. I shared my very cool top floor, prewar apartment on Capitol Hill with my hot/sexy/talented boyfriend of 5 years ( 5 years?!? Who did we know that had been together that long?!?)
3. I had single digit body fat & worked out like a fiend 6 days a week
4. I had a very funny & very showy part in the biggest hit show in town (it ran for 18 months) in which I appeared almost naked (hence the gym regiment)
5. I had just signed with the best agency in town- The Carol James Agency
6. I loved being in my 30s
7. I ran with an interesting & talented crowd
8. I was a minor celebrity
9. I had hair on my head, but not in my ears
10. I was joyously & madly in love with a man, with my life, & I was 100% out of the closet

I loved the music of the 80s & I had this new invention- a WALKMAN, so I could enjoy music wherever I went. The number 1 song twenty-five years ago today was Lionel Richie's HELLO. I did NOT dig this song at the time, but it was ubiquitous that spring. I have now come to really like & admire HELLO in two cover versions in my collection. One is by Shirley Bassey & I give you the other, by last year's winner of American Idol-David Cook :

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Words To Live By

I am an avid reader (for someone who is dyslexic too!). I usually have more than one book going, one for the MAX train & one for at home, & in the summer, one for the beach. I subscribe to 22 magazines, which I read as a book- from front to back, letters to the editor to appendix.The magazine habit started when my Aunt Sharon gave me a subscription to The New Yorker & Variety when I was 8 years old. I collect certain writes & genres. I have gone through phases of The Algonquin Round Table & Bloomsbury groups. My favorite book is The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. I love to get lost in a good novel, but I tend to move toward biographies, memoirs & essays. A great way for me to waste a rainy afternoon in winter is to slowly leaf through a "coffee table" book likeThe Hill Towns of Italy.

A book arrived on Friday & the husband was all- "what is it, what is it?". I unwrapped- The Selected Essays Of Gore Vidal (an author I collect) & the husband (quite the reader himself) looked crest fallen & dryly tossed off (in the manner of Mr. Vidal, himself)- "But, of course".

"A narcissist is someone better looking than you are"
Gore Vidal

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Renovasi Rumah atau Bangun Rumah Baru

Tip 38 Renovasi Rumah vs Bangun Rumah Baru: Cheap harga untuk apa?

23 April 2008 di Annahape, Bangun Rumah, Desain Arsitektur, Home Improvement, Rumah, Rumah Minimalis, bangunrumah, desain rumah, desainrumah, rumahminimalis | Tags: Add new tag, Anggaran Bangun Rumah, Annahape, arsitek rumah, Arsitek Rumah Tinggal, Bangun rumah, Bangun Rumah Impian, bangunrumah, Desain Arsitektur, desain rumah, Desain Rumah Impian, desainrumah, desain rumah, gambar rumah, konsultasi arsitek, Renovasi Rumah, Rumah idaman, rumahminimalis

Bila panggilan klien saya untuk berkonsultasi merenovasi rumah, ada dua hal yang selalu biasa adalah: Pertama, "Kami hanya ingin memindahkan tembok / dinding, beberapa meter ke belakang atau ke samping", dan Kedua, "Kami ingin meningkatkan rumah menjadi dua lantai ". Bagaimana (biaya), mbak?

Berikut saya merespon isu pertama. Ok, masih banyak yang berpikir bahwa masyarakat umum, sedikit perubahan atau sedikit renovasi dengan biaya. Klien sering terkejut, ketika tahu bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan sering di luar perkiraan mereka.

Memperbesar ruangan 1 m atau 3 m hampir tidak mengubah biaya kerja. Soalnya, komplikasi yang mungkin muncul karena renovasi dapat sama antara renovasi besar dan kecil. Misalnya, perubahan pada atap, memperpanjang utilities (listrik dan air), sesuai dengan finishing awal.

Saya memberikan contoh sederhana. Katakanlah, Anda akan merenovasi rumah dengan menambah satu kamar 3mx3m. Total penambahan 9m2. Dari berbagai sumber Anda mengetahui bahwa biaya standar rumah senilai Rp 2,5 juta per m2. Jadi, Anda menghitung, biaya renovasi adalah Rp 22,5 juta (2,5 juta 9xRp). Perhitungan ini tidak sepenuhnya benar.

Mengapa? Menambahkan bahwa kamar dapat mengubah struktur berimplikasi pada atap yang lama. Jika tidak, bagian dari atap lama harus dibongkar untuk membuat sambungan ke atap. Membuat sambungan dapat meningkatkan risiko atap kebocoron selama hujan. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada bagian atap yang harus dilakukan juga.

Selain atap, mungkin ada bagian dari tembok lama dalam terbongkar dan harus diperbaiki karena penambahan lebih dinding. Ini berarti ada tambahan biaya dan memuat kembali panjang atas dinding. Yaitu, nilai rata-rata per m2 bangunan renovasi dapat lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata per m2 bangunan yang sama sekali baru.

Karena itu, saran saya: jika anda ingin merenovasi rumah dan ingin menghindari biaya yang tidak perlu, renovasi maksimumkan daerah sesuai dengan tanah, anggaran dan alasan renovasi. Renovasi kecil tidak berarti biaya kecil.

Sekarang membuat masalah dengan renovasi gedung bertingkat. Sekilas masuk akal, lebih baik untuk memperbaiki bangunan di stretch gedung. Pondasi rumah yang ada, bukan? Dalam banyak kasus, satu lantai dasar rumah yang tidak bersedia untuk rumah 2 lantai dasar. Artinya, yayasan harus diperkuat. Awamnya istilah, jarum yayasan. Atau bahkan membuat yayasan baru.

Menambah lantai rumah berarti Anda juga harus menyisihkan 6m2 atau lebih untuk tangga. Nah, ini sering berarti Anda harus menyerah pada lantai kamar tidur dan memindahkannya ke lantai 2. Artinya, membuat 2 kamar di lantai 2, Anda mungkin hanya mendapatkan tambahan 1 kamar. Ini akan tergantung pada lingkungan, lebih tinggi akan membahayakan rumah tetangga, atau mungkin keduanya matahari. Anda mungkin berpikir maka Anda lebih beruntung. Namun, pada kesempatan lain, Anda mungkin akan mengalami kerugian besar.

Singkatnya, jika renovasi hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menjadikan rumah 2 lantai, sehingga melakukannya. Namun, untuk memperluas bangunan ke samping atau ke belakang, umumnya lebih mudah, murah dan menghindari kebutuhan tambahan ruang untuk tangga.

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Stumble it!

Simple Home Business

Cara Membuat Simple Home Business

Sesering merancang pakaian-hukum, akhirnya Anita membuka usaha merancang perempuan. Puteri pemain Sinetron Ida Kusumah ini memang lulusan sekolah desain Susan Budiharjo. Setelah lulus, Anita mulai merancang baju-baju untuk Ida Kusumah, dan hasilnya tergantung dari rancangan undang-undang yang banyak disukai teman-teman sesama seniman. Akhirnya, berkat dukungan dari hukum, pada tahun 2003 Anita membuka jasa menjahit di Serpong.

Selain menerima jahitan, Anita juga melayani jasa konsultasi bagi mereka yang masih bingung dengan pakaian yang akan dikenakan pada suatu acara. Oleh karena itu Anita memerlukan ruang yang luas untuk menerima tamu atau pelanggan. Langganannya kini sudah cukup banyak, tapi kadang-kadang mereka lebih suka Anita yang datang ke rumah mereka untuk mengukur dan mengepas baju.

Memindahkan Dapur, membongkar Kamar
Rumah terletak di Villa Melati Mas, yang pertama ini memiliki dua kamar tidur dan dapur yang terletak di bagian depan rumah. Untuk membuat kamar ini sebagai Anita tidak leluasa melakukan pekerjaannya. Karena itu ia memutuskan untuk merombak rumahnya, dua kamar mejadi satu kamar. Selain itu, dapur yang terletak di depan dipindahkan ke bagian belakang.

Kamar ini digunakan sebagai ruang Anita digunakan untuk desain kamar dan berkonsultasi dengan pelanggan. Sehingga ruangan tidak terlihat penuh dan berantakan, Anita hanya meletakkan sebuah meja kaca dan dua kursi. Di kanan-kiri ada contoh desain pakaian.

Kamar yang awalnya dapur kini dimanfaatkan untuk menerima tamu pada waktu yang memajang karya-karyanya yang merupakan pesanan klien. Biasanya yang ditampilkan di sini adalah karya karya yang unik dan tidak biasa.

Sisa Lahan
Jumlah pekerja yang kini dimiliki oleh Anita lebih kurang 15 orang, termasuk tukang jahit dan tukang bordir. Namun, mereka masih bekerja di tempat terpisah dari rumah Anita. Ini karena desainer dari rumah saat ini tidak mungkin untuk digunakan sebagai sebuah lokakarya.

Karena itu, ke depan Anita untuk mengambil sisa tanah di berbagai rumah ke bengkel. Jadi, jika ada pesanan, Anita tidak lagi repot untuk membawa sebuah lokakarya terpisah dari rumah. (Lia)



Instructions for desgn girl room


Step 1

, clothes and ornaments can use or repurpose to match your new design. The measures for calculating the space you have left for new pieces.
Step 2

Choose a new color of the walls, it will meet the taste and personality. To co-ordinate with the existing floor (if you plan recarpet or add a large area rug), and the shadow of her that she will tire quickly.
Step 3

Find bedding and decorative objects give the "issue" in the room. Consider ideas such as "day on the beach," "Flower Power" and "Teenage Paradise", or simply decorate your favorite colors. Buy window treatments, accents, chair covers, lighting and wall coverings to complete the look.
Step 4

Visit the boards to reduce pinholes in the paint. Encourage her to use to view the magazine clippings, photos, images, school bands and decal, memorabilia and pictures of friends from school, concerts and tours.
Step 5

Buy cubbies, desk trays, baskets and linen closet to organize and police to keep dirty clothes, stuffed animals, trinkets and paperwork from piling up and cluttering the new space.
to learn more....//

following handycraft here://

Remember Those Lost In Iraq

U.S. Confirmed Deaths Reported Deaths: 4300

Confirmed Deaths: 4295

Pending Confirmation: 5

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Adah Sharma New Images

Adah Sharma is a beautiful blue eyed bollywood actress. As an adolescent, Adah Sharma wanted to do.......
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Britains Oldest Mother

This is Elizabeth Adeney - Britain's oldest mother-to-be. At 66, she is four years older than the previous record holder. Mrs Adeney, who is around eight months pregnant, is believed to have undergone IVF abroad because most British clinics will not treat women over the age of 50. Friends say that the divorcee, a wealthy businesswoman who is still working a five-day week, is in perfect health and looking forward to the birth of what is thought to be her first child. But her pregnancy will reignite the debate over late motherhood and the ability of science to enable women in their 50s and 60s to become mothers. Mrs Adeney will be just short of her 80th birthday when her child becomes a teenager. A friend said she had been desperate to conceive for years. Last year, she travelled to the Ukraine, where a controversial IVF clinic has helped countless women get pregnant using donor eggs and sperm.
The friend added: 'She was desperate for a child. She was over the moon when she learned last year that she was pregnant and has been quite open about it - it's not the sort of thing she can hide. 'Elizabeth has had a pretty good pregnancy. She has been very well, considering her age - I'm amazed how she keeps going. 'She does get up a little later in the mornings than she used to and sometimes spends an hour or two at home before going to work but she is still at her business Monday to Friday.'Mrs Adeney, the managing director of a firm in Mildenhall, Suffolk, which produces plastic and textile products, is described by friends as 'very bright and single-minded'. Yesterday, she declined to discuss her condition. More after the break...
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Funteen = Fourteen

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My Hero!

This past week, it came to light that a very important player in the life of the husband, & me, & our life as a couple, has been complaining to the husband about me. I am not even slightly upset with Mr. X, although why, after two years of spending time with us & knowing me pretty darn well, would Mr. X choose to complain to the husband about my penchant for booze, pot & procrastination is a tiny bit surprising.

The husband has long been my most loving, but toughest (& by that I mean-honest) critic of my behavior, clothing choices, drinking, drugging, garden design, acting, singing & writing. He is very nearly always correct. He is honest to a fault, as in answering- “YES” to the query- “Does this outfit make me look fat?” So… it was a bit of a surprise to discover that the husband was very unhappy about the complaints by Mr. X & that he stuck up for me, stuck by me & defended my honor.

I adore & cherish Mr. X. He is an amazing, very attractive, talented & accomplished man. I am pleased to have him in my life. I am better man for knowing him. I am not surprised that he finds pieces of my personality & lifestyle disagreeable… I am after all, very much in touch with my inner-grouch & inner-slut & I have a hedonistic bent. I own up to being opinionated & a tad bit louche. I really don’t mind that Mr. X lives a life just short of being a nun. In my defense, I am also a good & loyal friend, responsible, honest, good at my job & generous to a fault.

The husband has always been quick with praise when I get it right. "You should always wear blue. It brings out your beautiful soulful eyes"- is lovely to hear. He was always lavish in his praise of performances that he found to be especially good. He will still tell friends & acquaintances how much he loved my work in his favorites- Horace Vandegelder in Hello, Dolly!, Hysterium in A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum or "LM" in Pump Boys & Dinettes... or even compliments that are qualified- "You were the only good thing in Side By Side By Sondheim." I am always thrilled & warmed by his-"The garden looks so beautiful". I actually glowed when our friend Bryan told me that one day at Rooster Rock, while sunbathing, the husband turned turned to him & announced- "Stephen doesn't even seem to realize it, but he has the most beautiful & original singing voice, especially when he was doing jazz with a jazz trio... even I was shocked by how good he can be."

I really wish, beyond all measure, that the husband & Mr. X would have no bad energy between them, especially because of me. I am deeply touched & somewhat taken aback by the husband’s defense of me. When I mentioned how I felt about this to the husband, as we went to bed last night, he tenderly said- “Yeah? Well complaining about you is MY JOB & not for ANYBODY else!”

The painting is by one of my favorite American painters- Marsden Hartley (1877-1943)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Intel MID for Internet access

Even hard to say how many times we heard the beautiful promises about the MID (Mobile Internet Device - portable devices for Internet access), but.......
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Kareena Kapoor Is A Youth Icon

A reputed newspaper conducted a survey amongst its readership, particularly the youth between the ages 18-25 in 10 major cities in.......
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Indian village with 250 sets of twins

Doctors are trying to unravel the mystery of an Indian village boasting 250 sets of twins born to just 2,0.......

9 Images

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New TV

I love challenging, well produced TV shows. AMC's Mad Men is my current & possible all time favorite. I also really get into Weeds & 30 Rock. I also enjoy junk: The Real Housewives of NY, Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, Amazing Race, & Top Chef.

Last night the husband & I caught the new show (we DVRed it from Tuesday) - GLEE. We laughed until we cried. The show centers around the teachers & students involved in the Glee Club at McKinley High School. It is played broadly, but avoids stereotypes & cliches. The cast is excellent & off beat & features the delicious Jane Lynch as a cheer leading coach. The pilot aired on Tuesday night & the series continues in the fall. Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"If I Could Turn Back Time" Maybe you don't know, but gay men love her- Happy Birthday, Cherilyn Sarkisian Bono Allman

"It really bothers me when I see people doing my mother in drag. I mean, just imagine if you saw people doing that with your mother."
Chastity Bono, in Portland Oregon's Just Out Newspaper.

She has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, & three Golden Globe Awards for her work in film, music and television. Cher is the only female solo artist to reach the Top Ten of the Billboard Hot 100 in each of the previous four decades. Moonstruck is on of my top ten movies of all time (& one of my favorite soundtrack albums).

“Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.”

"Don't take your toys inside just because it's raining."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Men I Am Zany For... #5

Jamie Foxx
Poor Jamie Foxx... all he has going for him are acting chops, perfect comic timing, great classical musician, excellent Hip-Hop artist, gracious under pressure & yummy, sexy/hot good looks.

A Moment

"We are stardust, we are golden & we have to get ourselves back to the garden"
Joni Mitchell

I was standing on our front porch yesterday, surveying what had been lost in one of our worst winters ever (the banana didn't make it), & reserving the right to change my mind about certain plantings. It was a near perfect morning, 75 & sunny, & I was looking forward to an entire day off from work. As I was taking stock of the garden closest to the front porch, I heard a flutter & sweet twittering song & glanced up to see an iridescent blue-green hummingbird. He hovered just three feet away from me & then chose to play, splash & bathe in our simple front porch water feature. I stood perfectly still, hoping the dogs would not show up at the front door & spoil the moment. I watched entranced as the hummer dipped, splashed & drank from the center fountain for about 5 minutes & then off he flew away. Transcendent.

I have designed & planted our gardens, front & back, to attract wildlife & there is often a pay off: Scrub Jays enjoying the suet, Monarchs in the buddleia, Dragonflys in the water features, tiny little Tits in the fennel... but the encounter with the hummingbird seemed particularly thrilling.


Tidak ada iklan. 46162

Harga 850.000.000
Tanggal 2009-05-05 15:01:21
59 dilihat

Nama Betty
Tel 0274 7418429
Lokasi Bantul
Kontak pemasang iklan
LUAS BANGUNAN 245 m² 2 LANTAI TINGKAT FASILITAS LENGKAP, siap huni jati SEMUA, Full Kitchen Set jati
Pinggir jalan aspal
Lokasi Bantul
Area 220

3 tempat tidur
2 kamar mandi
1 kamar
Restoran 2
1 dapur

1 kamar pembantu
1 kamar
2 parkir
1 kamar binatu

Air panas
TV satelit
Internet broadband
Bangunan fasilitas

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Keamanan 24jam
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Club House
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LAN / Wireless LAN
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Layanan pembantu
Pembersihan / pemeliharaan

Akses jalan
Len telepon
Nama saya Betty HARTATY KUSUMA saya Selalu
Alamat JL.PANJAITAN JOGJA Tel 0274 7418429
HP 08562853709
Email Faks

Teras multifungsi

Teras multifungsi
Jumat, 15 Mei 2009 - 15:25 WIB
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Foto: Corbis

Teras sesuai aplikasi di semua jenis rumah, fungsi yang serupa dengan ruang keluarga. Perbedaannya, di teras depan rumah.

Teras juga transisi dari luar rumah dengan interior. Teras di lapangan dapat lebih rendah, sama atau lebih tinggi daripada di rumah. Masukkan teras di termudah tentunya, adalah bahwa paralel ke tanah. Anda harus terlebih dulu di rumah penelitian tanah sebelum memulai proyek untuk membuat teras.

"Anda memiliki banyak pilihan jika Anda memiliki lantai teras. Secara umum, materi yang sering dipilih semen, biasanya rata dengan desain," kata Andi Haryadi arsitek.

Anda juga dapat menggunakan tegel dari batu alam atau keramik yang besar dengan pasir dan lapisan atas kerikil di tanah, kemudian meletakkan batu ubin di atas pasir atau kerikil. Ruang antara ubin dapat digali, dan tanah, atau humus, rumput atau penutup lainnya. Keramik lantai suara biasanya berkaitan dengan teknik tertentu, yang dipisahkan dan mendesak di lapangan.

"Bahan untuk lantai teras adalah kayu, dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan tampilannya," kata Andi.

Teras yang terletak di bawah lantai teras yang tenggelam. Jenis teras, menawarkan tidak hanya melihat yang unik, namun juga rasa sejuk dan menyenangkan.

Cara membuat lapisan bawah tanah harus digali dengan kedalaman lima atau enam inci. Ada teras cekung, ada pula teras meningkat. Jenis teras, termasuk jarang digunakan, karena tampilan bukan merupakan kondisi alam dari luar rumah. Terutama jika Anda memiliki taman yang indah.

Di ruang badan, teras lain senapas dengan karakter dalam kosong, tetapi beberapa daerah yang terkait dengan daerah luar. Ruang di teras ukuran bervariasi, tergantung pada struktur fisik yang luas dan kebutuhan keluarga, dalam kaitannya dengan aktivitas di sekitar teras.

Teras dapat setengah terbuka, yang sangat berpengalaman, sebagai ruang keluarga. Tidak menutup kemungkinan teras hanya flat permukaan 1 x 2 meter dengan aksen sebagai kursi ruang tunggu di depan tamu pemilik rumah membuka pintu. Semua bentuk teras yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan Cukai House pemilik. Namun, teras kecil, dengan adanya fungsi yang sangat penting dan bermanfaat. Teras di bagian depan, belakang atau samping rumah. Penempatan di teras tidak langsung membedakan fungsi tiap jenis teras.

Teras berada di depan pintu masuk utama yang berfungsi sebagai ruang penerima tamu sebelum tamu di rumah, teras yang berada di ruang keluarga pribadi. "Biasanya bagian belakang patio adalah lanjutan dari ruang yang digunakan untuk kegiatan keluarga yang sering dilakukan, dan merasa nyaman ketika, di sebuah tempat untuk menikmati udara segar. Kegiatan Olahraga, makan pagi, siang atau teh bersantai sambil membaca koran, akan lebih banyak lagi akan di teras, "kata Andi.

Tidak semua rumah memiliki kotak sebelah sisa tanah yang digunakan untuk pembangunan sebuah teras. Secara umum kaveling dengan rumah besar, tetapi di lapangan untuk bangunan yang tidak terlalu besar, di samping teras rumah. Atau rumah yang berada di kaveling sudut, lebih mungkin, di samping sebuah teras rumah. Fungsi lebih seperti teras di samping bagian belakang patio, misalnya, sebagai hobi nyaman kamar yang lebih banyak di daerah seperti setengah buka teras.

Sebagai teras dalam setengah dari ruang terbuka, perencanaan dan penataannya pasti dari sektor lainnya. Pemilu penunjangnya sebagai bahan mebel dan seleksi. Selain itu, karena di luar bidang rumah, teras yang juga bagian dari taman. Peraturan dari taman di sekitar patio akan penting untuk seluruh rumah tampilan.
(Alquran SI / SI Qur'an / tty)
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Is 8ft Zhao Liang the world's tallest man?

At 8ft tall, Zhao Liang stands head and shoulders above the competition.Which is lucky, as the 27-year-old is in the running to be the world's tallest man. The current title holder is Bao Xishun ('the Mongolian mast'), who measures in at a measly 7ft 9in - a whole three inches shorter.

Record breaker: 27-year-old Zhao Liang is 8ft 0.7in tall, beating the current record holder by more than three inches, Mr Liang's claim came to light when he was admitted to Tianjin hospital, in China, for a routine operation on an old muscle tendon injury to his left foot. Doctors confirmed his height as 8ft 0.7in. But his claim to be the world's tallest man has not yet been verified by Guinness World Records. Mr Liang, who is now seeking official recognition, had been training as a basketball player when he sustained the foot injury over a decade ago.He remained unemployed until 2006, when an art troupe in Jilin province employed him to perform magic tricks and play the saxophone and flute.Mr Liang's parents are of normal height, with his father measuring 5ft 9in and his mother, 5ft 5in. More images after the break...
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Buddhist Temple Built By Bottles

Built using more than a million beer bottles, this incredible temple in the north-east of Thailand is a novel way to recycle any empties. The resident Buddhist monks at the.......
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World Oldest And Largest Egg up for Sale

Its mother has long since departed the scene. As, indeed, has its entire species.But this giant egg is a great survivor. It was laid around 400 years ago by one of the great elephant birds of Madagascar.Before becoming extinct in the 17th century, the flightless creature was the world's largest bird, standing 10ft tall and weighing half a ton.World.

Duncan Phillips holds a Giant Elephant Bird of Madagascar egg, which went on sale in London todayThe egg, which is more than 3ft in circumference, was discovered by Victorian explorers and has since been held in private collections.Its current owner is antiques dealer John Shepherd, of Ashford in Kent, who bought the egg after seeing David Attenborough discover one while filming in Madagascar.Mr Shepherd, a trained palaeontologist, has decided to sell the egg, which is on display at the Chelsea Antiques Fair, which runs until Sunday.World. More after the break...

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gay Pride, Musical Comedy Queens... & Howard Ashman, born on this day- May 17th 1950

One of my favorite things about Gay Pride Parades are all the sub-sets in Gaydom: Bears, Twinks, Leather Daddies, Dykes On Bikes, Gay Parents of Gifted Children, Gay Presbyterians, Gay AA, Gay AAA, Transgendered Employees of The Gas Company, The Polyamorous V-8 Club, Lesbian Librarians, Radical Faires & The Sprites That Love Them, Butches & Fems, Leather Men That Like To Knit, Faggot Cheerleaders, Bisexual Small People, Senior Lesbian Couples That Raise Chickens, Gay Male Interior Designers With Jack Russell Terriers, Silver Foxes, Gays Who Watch Fox News, Tweakers Who Twitter, Gay Mayors In A Heap O' Trouble, & Middle Aged Recovering Musical Comedy Queens.... all marching together in pride.

I was a berserk MUSICAL COMEDY QUEEN from the very beginning. When I was 10 years old, I was fascinated, entranced & obsessed with my parents' Original Cast Album of My Fair Lady. It had a Hirshfeld drawing of George Bernard Shaw as- God, the puppeteer in the clouds, with Julie Andrews & Rex Harrison as marionettes. To this day my image of God is George Bernard Shaw pulling the strings. I loved the music so much & would come home every day from school, put the album on the stereo & sing all the parts of this amazing musical. I was very effective as Alfred Doolittle, even at 10 years old (a character actor from the start). As a child, I would go to Woolworth's & scour the cut-out bin for obscure Original Cast Albums like Goldilocks, Salad Days, Greenwillow, Cindy, Henry, Sweet Henry, & the cast albums of the Finnish & Japanese companies of Hello, Dolly!.

After a few decades, I seemed to loose interest in musicals, as my tastes moved to Rock n' Roll & Pop & I opted out of the entire Miss Saigon, Sunset Boulevard, Le Miz, Cats era of musicals. I still loved performing in musicals, but I no longer spent an afternoon playing & singing along to Original Cast Albums.... until Little Shop of Horrors in 1982. This musical sent me over the edge again & I spent the summer of 1983 in our apartment on Capitol Hill in Seattle, singing Suddenly, Seymour.

Howard Ashman was director, lyricist & book writer for the 1980 Broadway musical, Smile (music by Marvin Hamlisch). Along with Alan Menken, Ashman was the co-recipient of two Grammy Awards, two Golden Globes & two Oscars. His second Academy Award in 1992 was awarded posthumously for Best Song & was accepted by his partner, Bill Lauch.

The song writing team of lyricist Howard Ashman & composer Alan Menken earned their greatest fame scoring animated classics The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Born in Baltimore on this day- May 17th 1950, he studied at Boston University before earning his master's degree from Indiana University in 1974. He then relocated to New York City, accepting a publishing job while moonlighting as a playwright. Dreamstuff, his musical adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, was soon produced at the WPA Theatre, where Ashman served as artistic director from 1976 to 1982. For 1979's musical adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater he first teamed with Alan Menken, also his collaborator on 1982's Little Shop of Horrors. Based on the 1960 Roger Corman B-movie cult classic, Little Shop of Horrors was an unprecedented success; the highest-grossing production in off-Broadway history, it earned the New York Drama Critics Award & the Drama Desk Award. The 1986 film version also earned Ashman & Menken an Academy Award nomination for the newly added song Mean Green Mother From Outer Space. With the Disney release of The Little Mermaid, they scored an Oscar for Under the Sea, & won again, two years later with the title song Beauty and the Beast. Beauty & The Beast remains the only animated film to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Film. It was produced by, screenplay by & lyrics by Howard Ashman. Sadly, Ashman died of complications from AIDS on March 14, 1991; prior to his death, he & Menken completed three songs for the 1992 Disney feature Aladdin, receiving their final joint Academy Award nomination for A Friend Like Me.

MY FAVORITE ASHMAN LYRIC is Somewhere That's Green:
Seymour's the greatest
But I'm dating a semi-sadist
So I've got a black eye
& my arm's in a cast.
Still, that Seymour's a cutie
Well, if not, he's got inner beauty & I dream of a place
Where we could be together at last

A matchbox of our own
A fence of real chain link,
A grill out on the patio
Disposal in the sink
A washer & a dryer & an ironing machine
In a tract house that we share
Somewhere that's green.
He rakes & trims the grass
He loves to mow & weed
I cook like Betty Crocker & I look like Donna Reed
There's plastic on the furniture
To keep it neat & clean
In the Pine-Sol scented air
Somewhere that's green
Between our frozen dinner & our bedtime, nine-fifteen
We snuggle watchin' Lucy
On our big, enormous twelve-inch screen
I'm his December Bride
He's Father, he Knows Best
Our kids watch Howdy Doody
As the sun sets in the west
A picture out of Better Homes & Gardens magazine...
Far from Skid Row
I dream we'll go
Somewhere that's green.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adele & cell phones

The husband & I joined the 21st century. We got cell phones. This was another very good lesson in "never say never". I had announced, for years, that I would never live anywhere smaller than Seattle or that was not on the, I up & moved to Portland! I said that I would never get a tattoo...& we know how that turned out. But, I swore that I would never get a CELL PHONE. Inappropriate cell phone use has long been one of my pet peeves, & most cell phone use seems inappropriate to me. Well damn... now I am entranced with my phone that takes pictures, receives the Internet, is a calendar & reminder, texts & has ring tones! I am addicted after one week! I have been taking random pics of hot guys & though I have never been a "phone person", I like the fact that I can reach the husband whenever I need.
This song is six months old. I still love it & I was thinking about it while using the cell phone this afternoon. Why? I love Adele & I am crazy for this song. She is amazing... the new MaMa Cass? A bit, but sexy & beautiful on her own.

Mix It Up

As I have already posted, music is a major force in my life. I have been enjoying putting together a customized music mix each month & often an additional mix for a major event. I have thousands of CDs & I have downloaded hundreds of songs. I am working on the June Mix right now & at the same time putting the finishing touches on the very fabulous Gay Pride Mix 09. Putting the mixes together is a real joy & they are much anticipated & enjoyed by my small circle of friends & a diverse selection of acquantinces.

Here is the May Mix:
I WANT TO BE HAPPY- Ella Fitzgerald
FUNNY THE WAY IT IS- Dave Matthews Band
POWER TO THE PEOPLE- The Black Eyed Peas
RELAX (Ollie J Mix)- Frankie Goes To Hollywood
RELAX - Mikah

Megan Fox - Transformers Promo Photoshoot

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This Really Happened

I am the store director & buyer for a very nice, upscale (Dean & Delucca-ish) gourmet food store. I was stepping in on the hot soup line to give the regular staffer a lunch break. I was stirring the ladle in a copper pot full of Tortilla-Lime soup. A very “west hills” lady, with perfect French manicure & tennis bracelet, raised her Gucci sunglasses off her nose, looked me in the eye & as I stirred she said:
“Would you pull it out so I can see how thick it is?”

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Color Picker

Designer Jinsun Park from Korea has come out with a simple tool called Color Picker. Place the pen against an object and.......
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Happy Mothers Day

graffitti spotted on a London wall:

My mother made me a homosexual
if i bought the yarn...would your mother make me one?

Quote Of The Day

"You know what they say: You can't teach a gay dog straight tricks."
Chef, "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride," South Park written by Trey Parker & Matt Stone
the picture is of our gay dog- Junior

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Music

Not so new...I have been loving it for a few months (it was featured on my much admired APRIL MIX), but the husband mentioned this morning, as he left for his day (looking handsome in crisp linen), that he really was loving this song. So, with his special blessing, I give you Israeli musician- Oren Lavie & Her Morning Elegance with this elegant video:

Countetops Modern Kitchen from Pedini

Round Countetops Modern Kitchen from Pedini

Pedini kitchens throughout countetops can become new trends in kitchen design, because the super ergonomic technology, the least visible and beautiful along the countertop, giving the number of possible strike.

pedini-integra-round kitchen2.jpg

Is not that cool when you can reach the stove, shelves, refrigerator, cutting board and other things needed for cooking without doing the steps? Finally I can say that Pendini kitchen so beautiful and the style that you want to spend more time in the kitchen than ever before.

pedini-integra-round kitchen.jpg

movie recommendation

I don’t usually come across a film that involves gardening as a major plot device. (The only other one that comes to mind is The Secret Garden.) Can you think of one?

The husband & I stumbled on Greenfingers (2000) while surfing through the offerings on "on demand" by the evil Comcast. I give a big chunk of my earnings to Comcast because I like to have every channel available to me. A boy likes to have his options open. We decided to watch it primarily because Clive Owen is in it.

Gardening is a national passion in Britain. From the designers at the RHS Chelsea Show, to rural village, to urban guerilla gardeners, everywhere you look, you will find gardens in Britain... even in prisons. Clive Owen plays a murderer who is sent to a progressive prison where he discovers he has "greenfingers" (the British equivalent of our greenthumbs).

If you believe in the restorative power of gardening, then you will like Greenfingers. It hovers in the territory of heartwarming without quite being twee, thanks to a great cast. Helen Mirren is especially fun as Georgina Woodhouse, a Martha Stewart-type garden writer.

Greenfingers is a "heartwarming comedy" in the same vein as Saving Grace & Waking Ned Devine & those like-minded British comedies. The basic plot centers around a group of hardened prisoners who become gardeners as their rehabilitation work. They gradually really love learning about how to make plants & flowers grow. Once it's found out how talented they have become, they are allowed to enter their garden in a major British garden show.

The movie stars the very talented & especially yummy Clive Owen, who I first noticed in Croupier & Gosford Park, & the great Helen Mirren. The acting is very good by all the cast & the story is interesting & up-lifting. It has a funny script with a gentle humor. The soundtrack contains great songs by U2 & Bruce Springsteen.

What I really appreciated about this film is that it is heartwarming & touching without being treacly, sentimental or corny. It's not an emotional powerful movie or loaded with slapstick humor, but the story & the way it lets you get to know each character makes this a most entertaining film. Helen Mirren is especially good (when isn't she?) & did I mention CLIVE OWEN (shirtless at one point)!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Word To Live By

"When you face such an overwhelming challenge as global climate change, it can be daunting - it's kind of like trying to lose weight."

US Secretary of State- Hillary Clinton.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The husband & I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary in October. People ask me how we have lasted so long. I truthfully respond- "time just went by fast". The number one song on May 7, 1979 was Heart Of Glass by Blondie & oh, how I loved that tune. It has such a great riff. I still dig Blondie & I idolize Debbie Harry, who looks fabulous at almost 64! I feel like a little Blondie today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Katrina Kaif’s Secrets

Katrina Kaif is the most beautiful actress in Bollywood at the moment. She is perfect in every way - amazing skin, beautiful eyes, lovely mouth and the chic knows how to accentuate her beauty well. Never do you see her wearing.......
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Mariah Touching Anniversary

Where has the time gone? With smiles on their faces, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon celebrated one year of wedded bliss Thursday in Las Vegas at.......
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