Monday, April 30, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: County Commissioners Approve Rural Residential Zoning Ordinance

By a vote of 2-1, Whitman County Commissioners have approved the changes to the county's rural residential zoning ordinance.

My sincerest congratulations to Commissioner Michael Largent for voting against the changes. He has lived up to the promises he made during last year's election to uphold free enterprise and property rights.

The ordinance goes into effect May 15. All that's left now is the inevitable (and expensive) lawsuit over the unconstitutionality of restricting hilltop development.

Fire Melts Steel

I guess Rosie was wrong.

An elevated section of highway that carries motorists from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to a number of freeways was destroyed early Sunday after heat from an overturned gasoline truck caused part of one overpass to crumple onto another.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson - Speed Painting [Video]

Born: 22 November 1984
Where: New York City, New York, USA
Awards: Won 1 BAFTA, Nominated for 2 Golden Globes
Height: 5' 4"
Johansson was born in New York City. Her father, Karsten Johansson, is a Danish-born architect, and her paternal grandfather, Ejner Johansson, was a screenwriter and director. Her mother, Melanie Sloan, a producer, comes from a Jewish American family from the Bronx. Johansson's parents met in Denmark, where her mother lived with Johansson's maternal grandmother, Dorothy, a former bookkeeper and schoolteacher. Johansson has an older sister, Vanessa, who is also an actress; an older brother, Adrian; a twin brother, Hunter, also an actor; and a half-brother from her father's re-marriage, Christian.
Johansson grew up in a household with "little money". She began her theater training by attending and graduating from Professional Children's School in Manhattan in 2002.
Filmography: Often a young actress will deliver a performance so strong, so mature she is feted as the Next Big Thing. But the description is usually used more in hope than expectation. We all know that many years and many films can pass before she'll live up to her early promise, if indeed she ever does. Early 2004, though, saw the arrival of a young talent who seemed near fully-formed, despite being still in her teens.

Applele Technology Market

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Applele hiPod R1 []
Applele hiPod R1 []

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Co-Opted Out of a Living Wage

The liberal chic place to shop on the Palouse is the Moscow Food Co-Op. Among the elitist denizens who you'll find browsing down the organic, fair trade aisles at the Co-Op are members of No SuperWalMart and PARD.

One of the monotonous left-wing canards offered against Wal-Mart by its fanatical haters is that Wal-Mart fails to pay its employees a so-called "living wage."

The Penn State University Living Wage Calculator figures a living wage for one adult with one child in Moscow to be $12.33 an hour. The City of Moscow established a "living wage" last year of $10.00 an hour for all businesses that conduct business with the city.

That's why this admission from Co-Op board member Bill London last week was a bit startling:
Most starting jobs (after training) at the Co-op pay from $7.25 to $8.75 per hour. A very few lowest-rung jobs do begin at $6.75.

Benefits to workers of 20 hours/week or more includes:
2 week paid vacation
sick leave
18% discount on purchases and free lunch
Benefits to workers of 30 hours/week or more includes those plus health/dental insurance (retirement benefits if work longer than 2 years)
$7.25 to $8.75 an hour? A starting wage of $6.75? Wal-Mart in Moscow pays $8.50 to $10.00 an hour, with a starting wage of $7.25. The Wal-Mart medical benefits plan is open to all part time workers, regardless of hours worked, after one year of service, and all other Wal-Mart benefits are much more generous than the Co-Op.

One could hope that the Co-Op might be an oasis of sanity, where socialist rhetoric meets capitalist reality, or where the realization could sink in that stocking shelves or working a cash register are never going to be high-paying careers. One could hope. Instead, anyone think it's time for a petition?

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First Habitable Planet

Astronomers find first habitable planet outside solar system
Habitable Planet []

Astronomers find first habitable planet outside solar system

The first habitable planet similar in size and conditions to Earth has been located in a distant solar system, once again raising the possibility of life on other planets, scientists said on Wednesday.
The as-yet unnamed planet is only about one-and-a-half times the size of Earth and five times more massive, a team of European astronomers announced at the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany.
"We have estimated that the mean temperature of this super-Earth lies between zero and 40 degrees Celsius, and water would thus be liquid," said Stephane Udry of the Geneva Observatory. "Models predict that the planet should be either rocky like our Earth or covered with oceans."
The planet is located around a star known as the Gliese 581, about 20.5 light years from Earth's solar system and one of the 100 closest stars to the Sun. Though the planet is much closer to its star than earth is to the Sun, conditions are similar because the Gliese 581, known as a red dwarf, is smaller and colder. One year lasts only 13 days on the planet.
"Red dwarfs are ideal targets for the search for such planets because they emit less light, and the habitable zone is thus much closer to them than it is around the Sun," said Xavier Bonfils of Lisbon University.
More than 200 so-called exoplanets - planets outside of the Sun's solar system - have been discovered in the past 12 years since the first one was found. Most are massive bowls of gas similar to Jupiter.
The same team of astronauts discovered another planet around the same red dwarf two years ago - a Neptune-sized planet about 15 times as massive as Earth. An extensive analysis of the latest find is to be revealed in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Xavier Delfosse of Grenoble University in France said the newfound planet could inhabit life and will definitely be a target of future space missions to find extra-terrestrial beings.
"Liquid water is critical to life as we know it," he said. "On the treasure map of the Universe, one would be tempted to mark this planet with an X."

Mobile Technology

Mobile Phone For Girls

Wall Painting


Accupressure and Reflexology
Quite interesting! Keep Walking.....

The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains as you can see the heart is on the left foot.

Accupressure and Reflexology
Typically they are shown as points and arrows to show which organ it connects to. It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here. This is covered in great details in Acupressure studies or textbooks. God created our body so well that he thought of even this. He made us walk so that we will always be pressing these pressure points and thus keeping these organs activated at all times.
So, keep walking...

Accupressure and Reflexology
Accupressure and Reflexology

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Manufacture of Mercedes

Kudos to Pullman Police

From the Daily News.

On April 23, I officiated at a funeral at Short's Funeral Chapel, which concluded about 11:30 a.m. As the casket was loaded into the hearse, I saw a Moscow police officer talking with the driver. Upon entering the hearse the driver said "there will be no police escort through town today." The burial was to be in the Pullman City Cemetery. There were about 25 cars in the procession. Everyone was disappointed that there would be no escort.

When we were three miles from Pullman, a Pullman police car met the procession. Another officer was at the stoplight at Bishop Boulevard, and yet another officer at the corner of Bishop and Grand Avenue. The cruiser that had met the procession on the Pullman-Moscow Highway pulled ahead and blocked oncoming traffic from the south so the procession could enter the cemetery.

We had four Pullman officers for this procession through town. The Moscow police could not seem to spare one officer for about 10 minutes.

There is something wrong that needs correction. A word to the wise is sufficient.

Rev. Gordon L. Braun, Moscow

Shamita Shetty

Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []
Shamita Shetty  []Personal Profile
Date of Birth : 2 February, 1979
Hair Color: Black
Birth Place: India
Marital Status: Single
Languages: Hindi, English
Hobbies: Volley ball