Wal-Mart Watch Poll: Wal-Mart's Reputation Improving With Consumers
71 percent of consumers had a "somewhat favorable" view of Wal-Mart, up from 69 percent in a 2006 survey.
The poll found that just 11 percent of Wal-Mart shoppers say they have shopped at Wal-Mart less because of its business and labor practices, while 9 percent said they bought less.
According to a Time magazine article last year, that's far less than the number of Americans who agree some UFOs are probably spaceships from other worlds (25%) and that that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster will one day be discovered (18%).
And we're to believe that 10,000 people in Pullman have vowed never to shop at Wal-Mart?
No wonder the PARDners feel like the Maytag repairman.
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