Friday, October 20, 2006

"McMorris helps veterans"

A letter that appeared in today's Daily News, no doubt in response to a letter that appeared in both the Spokesman Review and the Daily News attacking McMorris over veteran's issues from Eastern Washington Voters guru Bryan Burke:
As a veteran who grew up on a wheat and cattle ranch near Wilbur, I’m disappointed at the extremely misleading veterans ad the Goldmark campaign is running on TV.

Peter Goldmark is not a veteran nor a military pilot. The ad also implies Congresswoman McMorris has cut funding to veterans during her tenure. This impression is completely false.

As a 24-year Army retired veteran I closely follow veterans’ affairs. Cathy McMorris has been a tremendous advocate for the veteran. She has worked to protect the Walla Walla Veterans Hospital, ensuring it continues to provide quality health care to veterans in our region. She has worked closely with federal and state entities to lay the groundwork for the first ever eastern Washington veteran’s cemetery, and she has supported historic increases in veterans’ funding. During her service in Congress, veterans’ funding has increased from $66 billion to $78 billion, a $12 billion dollar increase.

Cathy McMorris is married to a 26 year retired veteran and is looking out for our needs. Rest assured knowing that eastern Washington veterans have a strong advocate in Cathy McMorris.

Fred Alderson, Spokane
I don't know why the Rats think they can make defense and veterans an issue. Even Burke admitted in his letter that "While leafleting at events I have talked to thousands of voters, and often have the chance to tell Republicans about McMorris’ votes against vets. Most do not listen." You think he and the other Rats might catch on by now and start running off Goldmark's sinking ship.

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