Saturday, November 4, 2006

Toward A More Secure Border

I seem to be on a roll this morning with posting. Must be the coffee. Anyway...

Thanks to the Internet, now you can be part of the solution to the illegal immigrant problem:

Obviously for us Washingtonians, the southern border of our nation is a long way away from here. But now we can contribute to securing it. This site has live feeds from cameras set up in a few locations along the border of Texas, and it has a system for reporting suspected illegal crossings. Think of it as the Minuteman project from the comfort of your own home or office.

The system is currently being put through stress testing, so it might not work for you from time to time. It will require a little bit of installation of components, too, but once you're through all of that it runs rather smoothly.

Granted, this can be about as entertaining as watching grass grow, but as it typically goes with things of value, they're seldom fun or easy to obtain.

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