A letter from today's Moscow-Pullman Daily News:
Time for PARD to back offNo, thank you Eleanor for having the courage to speak out. It's not easy, I know. You possibly subject yourself to all kinds of abuse from your "intellectual superiors" on College Hill. But thanks for standing up for Pullman.
Thanks so much to Roger Daisley and Tom Forbes for their recent letters to the editor on behalf of Wal-Mart!
I was sure the Pullman Alliance for Responsible Development would have given up by now and let us have our Wal-Mart here in Pullman. PARD could go to Iraq, they don’t have a dictator there, and they, with their tactics and determination, could probably do a lot of good over there, in one way or another.
This is supposed to be a free country, and we need and want our own Wal-Mart here. So back off, please.
Eleanor E. Brouse, Pullman
It definitely seems there has been a sea change. I can't ever remember so many people, especially ones who have never written before, writing letters that attack PARD and show their support for Wal-Mart. If nothing else, Dr. Mike Hanly now knows at least 5 more people who support Wal-Mart just from the letters alone. Let's keep it up. It makes a big difference. Wal-Mart would have never proceeded in Chelan had they not felt they enjoyed massive public support.
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