Friday, November 3, 2006

My contribution

I've just now sent this off the the Evergreen. In case it never sees the light of day, here it is:

"It’s not surprising to see the opponents of the College Republicans’ border fence display trot out the race card – it’s the only emotionally charged accusation they have left, used because they have no real arguments to offer.

The image of immigration to the United States some try to propose in our present time is one that is confused with what immigration meant in the past: an influx of skilled workers to our nation. People of various skilled trades who were fleeing persecution came here, legally, to continue practicing their trades in peace, helping to build the prosperity of the United States.

What we face now is different: millions of unskilled workers sneaking into the country to seek work illegally, hired by unscrupulous companies that hire them illegally and cheaply. The end effect is that low and unskilled U.S. citizens are priced out of the market. Why should we accommodate people who enter our country illegally – who break our laws – at the expense of our own citizens?

It is true that the border fence will not completely solve this problem, but it is a good start. Reversing this invasion will take more time, money, and effort; it will not be solved overnight. It will also take political willpower, which is what all of these red herring charges of “racism” are meant to sap.

I give my thanks to our College Republicans for taking this stand and informing people of what is going on and what is at stake.

Paul E. Zimmerman, M.A.
Instructor, Dept. of Philosophy"

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