Monday, November 6, 2006

Ignore the Lies

Op-ed pieces are not supposed to be factual, unbiased, or even fair. But Jimmy Blue, the Director of Communications for the WSU Young Democrats, has been given free rein in the editorial pages of the Daily Watermelon as of late to make free political advertisements. Take today's ringing endorsement of Napoleon, uh, Nathan Horter.
The race for county auditor is one you won’t see commercials for on television. Much to my delight, mud-slinging and negative advertisements have been conspicuously absent. This would be considered a positive for most of us who are tired of attack ads, but it has some drawbacks.
Bull. What a blatant lie. This has been the dirtiest local race in years. The budgets for countywide offices don't allow for negative ads on TV, but the if the Rats could have afforded it, they would have run them against Coker. As it is, the pages of local newspapers have been filled with letters to the editor accusing Eunice of just about every malfeasance imaginable. And as I wrote about last week, they even tried to concoct their own little Scooter Libby/Jack Abramoff scandal.
I have not met Eunice Coker and have nothing to say of her personally, but I have met Horter and found him to be not only a great guy, but a great candidate for the office.
Well, we can get an idea of what the YD's think of Coker personally by this excerpt from their October 23 minutes
The Candidates Forum went well, Eunice Coker seemed to be performing poorly when asked serious questions. "It was worth it."
Blue concludes:
I would not ask any reader to mindlessly follow what one columnist has to say – as LeVar Burton from “Reading Rainbow” would say, “Don’t take my word for it.” Instead, I would suggest anyone interested in the fate of our county find the time to do some research, because the outcome of this election will affect everyone.
That advice would be easier to follow if the Watermelon would disclose Blue's political position and affiliation. No wonder the YD's noted in their October 30 minutes
...our Evergreen coverage (which was suburb [sic])
That's okay though. People are doing research on young Mr. Horter, and that research is leading them to this blog, where they will find the true story behind his complete lack of qualification and mudslinging.

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