According to today's Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Mayor Moonbat has launched a purge of her political enemies. No wonder the FON (Friends of Nancy) have been so busy writing columns and letters in preparation.
Wheaton ousted as board of adjustment chairmanI think we all know what Chaney's game is.
Mayor declines to provide reasons for removal; Wheaton says he refused to play Chaney's 'game'
The Moscow City Council voted to remove Board of Adjustment Chairman Jon Wheaton from his board position Monday night.
"Issues have been reported relating to compliance with legal requirements for the job," said Moscow Mayor Nancy Chaney, who brought the issue forward as a new agenda item Monday night.
Chaney declined to comment further on reasons for Wheaton's removal, saying it is a personnel issue.
"I regret that he has been unwilling to receive my efforts to communicate," she said. "I suggest that he be removed; I do this with sadness."
Wheaton, who has served on the board of adjustment for the past 15 years and was reappointed chairman by the board this year, said he refused when Chaney asked him to step down.
"She didn't say why," he said. "The closest she came was saying that I ruffled somebody's feathers. I thought, 'So they were listening. Good.' "
Wheaton said he refused to sidestep Chaney or "play her game."
"She's got something up her sleeve, but I don't know what that is," he said. "She wants to be queen, literally, and everybody will bow and beckon to her."
Moscow City Councilman John Weber voted against Wheaton's removal.
"I don't know that the entire (board of adjustment) panel had been spoken to about his removal," he said. "I didn't think it was something to remove someone for."
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