Thursday, April 5, 2007

Leftist Paradox: How to Cause a Liberal to Short-Circuit

This story briefly appeared today on, then quickly disappeared. Fortunately, it can still be found with a quick search on Google news:

"Census: Immigrants Help Big Cities Grow as Native-Born Americans Move to Suburbs

WASHINGTON — Without immigrants pouring into the nation's big metro areas, places such as New York, Los Angeles and Boston would be shrinking as native-born Americans move farther out.

Many smaller areas, including Battle Creek, Mich., Ames, Iowa, and Corvallis, Ore., would shrink as well, according to population estimates to be released Thursday by the Census Bureau."
This is great!

Leftist: "Open borders, now! Human beings are not illegal!"

Reasonable person: "But illegal immigration is causing our cities to grow and expanding sprawl."

Leftist "...sprawl is bad! Save the earth!"

Reasonable person: "Ok, so we'll close the border and kick the illegals out to save the earth."

Leftist: "Yes! No! Uhhh.. there's no illegal humans, uh... sprawl... eerrrr... *fizzlepopsmoke*"

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