Friday, November 11, 2005

Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Remember on Monday when I-90 was closed and Eastern Washington was said to be "isolated from the civilized world"? Western Washington roads were in danger from earthquakes, rockslides, Hurricane Katrina, plagues of locusts, etc.

Now, three days after the election, the duped voters on the west side of the state (and in Whitman County) heard the truth from Washington Transportation Secretary Doug McDonald:
...the timetable and plan for the Alaskan Way Viaduct and the Evergreen Point Bridge, the two projects that seemed most on the minds of King County voters, remain up in the air.

More money must be raised within the region to complete funding for replacing the viaduct and the state Route 520 bridge and other projects such as Interstate 405 and state Route 167.
That's right taxpayers, the highway that could collapse with the next temblor or the bridge that might sink in a heavy wind HAVE NO TIMETABLE OR PLAN TO BE REPLACED!!!!!! What's first on the list of post-I-912 WSDOT priorities? An $800,000 bicycle lane on a bridge over I-90 in Moses Lake. I guess Eastern Washington gets its fair share after all. Oh brother.

My congratulations to the idiots who voted against I-912.

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