Here's the latest from Dino Rossi:
Dear Friends –
Before I update you on the campaign, I would like to start with a few words about the floods that have devastated communities in Western Washington. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been impacted by this natural disaster. I encourage everyone to help the flood victims by donating money and/or goods.
· Red Cross, call 1-800-RED-Cross or visit http://www.rainier-redcross.org/
· Salvation Army, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY or visit http://www.salvationarmynw.org/
A small donation can make a big difference to families who have lost everything this holiday season.
Campaign Update
Since publicly kicking off my campaign on October 25th, we have been overwhelmed by the support and response we have received from all over our state. It is clear that people are tired of business as usual in Olympia and are ready for new leadership. We have had an unbelievable month on the campaign trail and I want to share with you some of the highlights.
I am excited to report that as of the end of November, our campaign has raised over $1.1 million! Here are some fun facts you should know:
· More than 7,000 people have given to our campaign;
· Over 39% of our contributors are brand new donors;
· We received over $78,500 in online contributions;
· In our last campaign, it took us until late February of 2004 to raise as much as we have already collected for this campaign.
Over 1000 people have already signed up on our website as volunteers.
We’re well on our way to catching up with the incumbent's campaign cash on hand totals, but she’s had a 3-year head start on us. If you can, please contribute through our website by clicking here. Thank you.
More Good News
Christine Gregoire’s strategy is to attack my character. Her agents filed a Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) complaint against me in June claiming that I was already a candidate for Governor and thus should be subject to public disclosure requirements. The PDC conducted a long and expensive investigation and last week ruled to dismiss these baseless charges. In a letter, the PDC staff confirmed that we had been telling the truth the entire time. Christine Gregoire’s agents were spreading lies and launching personal attacks, all in a failed attempt to smear me. They will say and do anything to cling to power in Olympia.
We also had a victory when Christine Gregoire caved to political pressure and held a special session to reinstate I-747. It wasn’t until after I called for a 1 percent cap and a special session that the incumbent suddenly decided she should “support the will of the people.” Unfortunately, she only got half the job done by not repealing banked capacity, which means taxing districts can still raise property taxes above 1 percent without a vote of the people. I will continue to lead on this issue and ensure that property tax increases are held to a true one-percent cap.
From neglect of our state ferries, to dangers in the child care system, to the hand-picked leader of an open government committee defying the state’s new reporter-shield law, every day, we see stories that illustrate the incompetence and failures of the Governor’s administration. She has been in state government for 38 years. She has run out of new ideas. It is time for fresh leadership…and people feel this all across the state.
We’ve recently launched two new pages on our website. Visit our issues page to learn more about my position on important topics such as education, transportation, public safety and fiscal responsibility. The Case for Change documents Gregoire’s long list of broken promises.
Get Involved
The incumbent is on the defensive, vulnerable and clearly worried by our continued strength. All polls show us in a statistical dead heat with Gregoire, and the incumbent has yet to poll above 50 percent.
But we need your help to keep this energy going. Will you go to our website to volunteer? Thank you to all who have and please encourage your friends to sign-up as well.
This campaign is a people’s movement, and together we will bring change to Olympia.
- Dino Rossi
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