Monday, November 5, 2007

New Voting Resource

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE is Your 2007 Election Resource

Seattle –, the state’s premier non-partisan legislative information website, will be your one-stop-shop on Election Day.  You will find links to election results, independent studies of ballot measures, and a link to the state Public Disclosure Commission’s database on campaign contributions.  Links will be updated as results come in, so check back often for up-to-date information on the important ballot measures voters are considering this year.
These resources join’s exhaustive and user-friendly database of legislative information on bills, amendments, and legislators’ voting records going back to 2003.  These are powerful tools for understanding what’s going on in Olympia when the legislature is in session and for holding legislators accountable.

“I use more than the state government website to track bills during session. It’s the easiest way to follow legislation.” –Brian Sonntag (D), State Auditor is a free public service of the Washington Policy Center, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational institute. Its purpose is to inform citizens, community leaders, business people, media and public officials about legislation that affects their families, schools, jobs and communities. The site empowers citizens to take a more active part in the democratic process, and hold their elected representatives accountable.

### · PO Box 3643, Seattle, WA 98124

P: 206.937.9691 · F: 206.624.8038

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