Tuesday, March 31, 2009
quote of the day
Fran Lebowitz
Sunday, March 29, 2009
rumah dijual
Jenis Properti: rumah
Alamat No.389 jantung Green - The Taman Lippo Desa / Karawaci Tangerang
Kota Tangerang
Kontak (Telp / Hand Phone) Themmy - 08161108067
Harga 250 juta
Luas Bangunan / m2
Jumlah lantai atau tingkat 1
2 kamar tidur
1 kamar mandi
Keterangan tambahan Beli cepat, Murah, butuh uang! Townhouse Lippo di Desa / Karawaci .. - 5 menit dari Lippo Supermall dan dpl - 1 fl .. - 2 kamar tidur .. - 1 kamar mandi - Tempat parkir - fully furnished .. - Siap untuk keperluan pemukiman ... - Lingkungan nyaman dan indah - Cocok untuk keluarga baru / mahasiswa - masyarakat akses negosiasi harga!
batu alam sebagai aksen
Pojok halaman rumah dan tidak membiarkan yang gersan. Mengambil keuntungan dari negara sesempit untuk menciptakan kawasan hijau tinggi lingkungan. Efek alam, dengan DAPAT penempatan seonggok-dua onggok batu sebagai aksen penegas.
Taman di depan rumah, maka ini berarti. Berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal raja dan melunakkan Fahud.
Menempati berbagai wilayah di taman-tingkat tinggi, pengukuran-3 / 8 MX4, 5m. Tanaman dibagi ke dalam kelompok 1,9 mx3, 8m, termasuk Bali, dan Kamboja ada punuk Betawi.
Disebelahnya negara yang rendah, sejak bentuk hard-Scape batu loncatan dari batu slab berukuran 40cmx40cm. Batu adalah tabel cross-selang, dipisahkan oleh mini-rumput gajah. Lotus tanaman dalam pot tanaman dan batu, sebagai penghalang agar DIP negara.
Teks: Jones, Roto: Tri, Grafis: Zaka
Lokasi: Rumah Ibu Andik E. Putro, Bintaro, Jakarta.
BATU Akzente Besar
Pemilik rumah membiarkan taak sendiri tanah perbatasan dengan negara fasilitasn umum. PUND dari taman, seakan-akan berhadapan dengan umum daerah.
Rumput gajah mini, Kucai AC, kipas angin dan pohon kelapa menyejukkan mata muncul. Taman gaya dan sederhana, dengan kon Sep beraksen batu kali lebih besar. Di kursi beton, kami dapat tempat berteduh sambil menikmati semilir angina.
Teks: Dewi, Foto: Martin
Lokasi: Home Odang Hasbullah, Sentul, Jawa Barat.
TAK seragam seri
J sudut dinding luar rumah dilapisi Stone Temple dari bangunan tinggi. Sekitarpojok bidang dinding, di sebelah kiri tidak tingkat. Ada banyak tanaman hijau.
Rumputmenjadi utama tanah. Di pojok dekat suduttempok embedded Pandan Bali, dirangkaikan dnengan sambaing darah dan Kucai. Empat kali dari batu menyingkirkan: dua besar dan dua kecil, karena jika tidak dijejertka seragam. Batu-batu ini adalah aksen alam.
Teks: Tatang, photo: Martin
Lokasi: Unit Nirwarna Contoh Residence di Bogor.
baca selengkapnya..........
Sumber: Majalah IDEA - 51/V/2008
Arsitek di mata masyarakat kita
Pagi-ambing, sementara sebagian orang masih tidur ketika pagi hari atau binatang peliharaan, mungkin saat yang tepat untuk desain rumah di sebuah kompleks perumahan kecil. Memang benar bahwa bangunan rumah kecil di area dengan luas sekitar 100 meter persegi ras menunjukkan bagaimana keunikan dan keindahan. Ekspresi rumah sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup dan mulai kelas menengah pemilik rumah lapisan adalah ukuran kecil.
> Usaha Kecil 2small 0
Menurut Bambang, sekitar 1980 masih banyak rumah kecil bertipe terluas sekitar 70 meter persegi, hanya tembok tanpa plester dengan ubin paling bagus teraso. Desain sangat sederhana, hanya kamar dengan jendela yang tidak terlalu besar, satu kamar "yang" cukup untuk ruang tamu, dan ruang keluarga, makan dan minum.
Bambang beberapa keluhan dari konsumen, antara lain, ketika tembok karena kesulitan dalam tiang batu bata batako kosong. Bahkan, untuk jenis kecil rumah dengan ruang terbatas, tempat juga dapat berharap untuk menggantung kabinet. Jika kabinet gantung terinstal, kualitas dinding, sebagai jaminan yang ambrol ....
Kemudian, manusia tumbuh kesadaran akan ruang. Meskipun di sana-sini masih banyak bagian dari "sepak bola" tetapi kurang bahkan tidak sedikit mulai terlihat manis.
Bahkan setelah Bambang Sutrisno, ia mengaku tidak memiliki klien pasangan suami-istri, keduanya bekerja. Bambang sejarah, "Mereka tidak memiliki anak-anak dan memiliki banyak kegiatan di luar rumah. Kebutuhan mereka yang di rumah hanya dapat tempat yang nyaman untuk beristirahat, semacam rumah-lah. Kecil, cantik dan nyaman."
Apakah keterangan mengenai perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi. Pertama, terdapat panduan untuk arsitek, yang Architects' Association of Indonesia. Salah satunya mengatakan, untuk pembangunan rumah berukuran 36 meter persegi di bawah ini, mungkin tidak ada uang jasa. "Itu memang harus percaya bahwa menolong orang-orang yang tidak mampu," kata Bambang. Well, banyak pengembang dan pemilik rumah akan kecil, seperti klien sebelum Bambang.
Perubahan, tentu saja tidak langsung. Syafarini, arsitek Parahyangan lulusan yang sekarang bekerja, rumah seniman Widayanto, mengatakan, masyarakat belum banyak yang menggunakan jasa arsitek dalam membangun rumah. Dia mengatakan bahwa di tengah kelas tidak turun dari bagian atas layanan masih dianggap sebagai arsitek kurang penting dibandingkan dengan komponen biaya lainnya. "Biaya untuk membayar arsitek yang lebih baik bagi mereka untuk menutupi biaya membangun rumah," kata Syafarini.
Apa yang harus tahu, semakin besar kemungkinan untuk mengikuti di urutan ruang. Akibatnya, udara dapat beredar dan distribusi matahari tidak. "Jangan tanya jika rumah itu dari depan looks cool, tapi dalam gelap dan pengap merasa perlu untuk pencahayaan siang hari bahkan ketika udara," katanya.
Arsitek individu mungkin memiliki pandangan yang berbeda mengenai "tren" ini. Wijoyo Hendromartono, arsitek dan konsultan desain Arcata, tidak untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya ruang dan penataannya. Sebelumnya, katanya, rumah hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat di mana orang yang belum di hujan. Sekarang, fungsi rumah lebih dititikberatkan pada bercengkerama dengan keluarga, tempat yang dingin yang siap untuk melihat tubuh kelelahan setelah tubuh yang bekerja seharian.
Ia melihat tiga syarat utama yang harus di rumah dalam peraturan, yaitu transportasi udara, pencahayaan dan estetika. Wijoyo berkata: "Sekarang orang-orang yang tidak semua ruang yang ada, tetapi telah mulai disisakan, yang merupakan sumber cahaya dan sirkulasi udara. Ia mulai menyadari bahwa sirkulasi udara dan cahaya berpengaruh pada kesehatan."
Setelah mengedarkan udara dan cahaya dapat dipenuhi, mereka mulai memiliki masalah estetika. Estetika ini, yang akan membantu mereka untuk mendapatkan rasa tentang rumah-rumah kecil lainnya. Estetika seperti warna.
Kemudian, masalah tata ruang. Biasanya, rumah, pengembang adalah ruangnya gaya. Para pengembang yang sudah memiliki arsitek berpikir terang dan sirkulasi udara di setiap kamar.
Sesungguhnya ia akui, rumah dibangun, rumah sendiri atau pengembang yang dibangun dan direnovasi oleh penghuninya sering dijelekkan ruangnya peraturan. "Misalnya, banyak orang yang menginginkan kamar mandi di dalam kamar tidur. Mandi yang kecil tetapi cukup menyita tempat. Jika jumlah anggota keluarga hanya tiga sampai empat orang, tanpa memperhitungkan apakah harus lebih dari satu kamar mandi?" Tanyanya .
Ada juga untuk memaksakan diri dengan dapur kering dan dapur basah. Setelah Wijoyo, hal seperti ini tidak baik karena biasanya dapur kering yang tidak digunakan. "Keluarga adalah ibu bekerja. Jadi dia tidak sering menjadi dapur. Jika ia hanya seminggu sekali di dapur, mengapa tidak, dapur basah yang nyaman," ujar Wijoyo memberi contoh.
Sikap bungkam tentang arsitek dari layanan ini juga diakui Wijoyo. Mereka ingin rumah-rumah mereka schönschön sebagai arstieknya sentuh, tetapi tidak banyak orang-orang yang berani, dengan layanan arsitektur. Ia berkata: "Mereka puas dengan saran dari seorang arsitek, tetapi setelah diambil, mereka kembali. Mungkin ini karena mereka melihat sesuatu yang menjadi semakin mahal barang. Debitkan mobil atau rumah. Sementara karya arsitek yang hanya berupa gambar, mereka terlalu mahal. Mereka tidak menyadari bahwa gambar arsitek adalah sebuah karya seni. Gambar tidak mahal, tetapi gagasan dan proses kreatif. "
Artinya, di tengah sungai dan perubahan perubahan dalam cara hidup di daerah lain di kelas menengah, kami kadang-kadang terlihat, fisik kejanggalan. Itulah sebabnya, mengingat kelas menengah India bahwa tanggal.
Jika Anda adalah pagi berjalan di lingkungan, lingkungan hidup, melihat bagaimana pusat sedang mencoba untuk mencari sendiri di apartemen. Mereka kagum yang membuat kami, kami akan ada yang tertawa geli.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
I popped a Woody!

The husband & I settled in on Friday night to choose a movie from “On Demand” on the evil Comcast. I was surprised by how many choices that we both actually wanted to see. We opted for Vicki Cristina Barcelona because I am a huge Woody Allen fan.
(I just used huge & woody in sentence!). I had wanted to see it when it was first out. The husband tends to really like Woody Allen movies with no Woody Allen (he tires of Mr. Allen’s mannerism, cadence & tics). I know that the husband counts The Purple Rose of Cairo, Radio Days, & Bullets Over Broadway among his all time top favorites movies. While I do concur, I would have to add that Annie Hall is in my top 5 All Time Favorite Films.
Sometimes you see a film that just strikes like a lightning bolt as you recognize yourself & your life up on that screen. Annie Hall was like that for me. I was living in NYC when it was filmed & released. I actually saw it at Carnegie Hall Cinema. I was a WASP from the West Coast in a relationship with an intellectual, whip smart, neurotic Jewish New Yorker who was in therapy. We met “cute”, got together, fell in love, & then proceeded to let our quirks & our fundamental differences unravel our love affair until- “what we have here is a dead shark”. His name was Steven Rosenblatt. Steven was a true New Yorker with no real desire to ever leave the 5 boroughs. One day we walked from The Cloisters to The Battery. We talked the whole way about life & art & love & sex & movies & music & philosphy. He also gave me a famous writers tour of New York including Truman Capote’s house in Brooklyn Heights & a stop at the White Horse Tavern. I hope he reads this somehow.
Is it crazy that still I identify with Diane Keaton (minus Warren Beatty & an Oscar)?
Vicki Cristina Barcelona gave me that same lightning bolt. I think it is a very fine film (one of his best). It features a bevy of fine performances including yummy Javier Bardem & I feel that Penelope Cruz really deserved that Oscar. It is a witty and ambiguous movie that's simultaneously intoxicating & filled with sadness & doubt. It carries an air of melancholy & a sense of loss. I know Woody Allen admires the films of Bergman (Interiors) & I felt the film had a nod to Smiles Of The Summer Night.
Here was another Woody Allen movie that spoke to me personally & mirrored my own life in so many ways that I actually felt quite uncomfortable for a moment while watching it. The themes of what makes a marriage, trying to have a 3 way love affair, loving art & artists, crazy EXs that are still in your life, & most resonate for me- how can I be an artist when faced with friends & lovers who are major talents (when I feel like a dilettante)?
Famous Gay People in History
Born today in 1926
At the conclusion of the opening episode of Mad Men’s second season, the show’s protagonist, Don Draper, buys a book of poetry after being told by a hipster in a Greenwich Village bar that he is incapable of appreciating the writer’s work. The book is Meditations in an Emergency by Frank O’Hara. Draper reads it later that night in his suburban home, and he is captivated by a haunting stanza from the poem Mayakovsky:
"Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. "
After inscribing the book with the simple message “Made me think of you”, the Draper slips out of the house to post it to a mystery recipient, adding yet another layer to this most complicated of television heroes. I was so struck with this detail that I started to read about about this this poet. I was only vaguely aware of him before Mad Men. I have continued to read about him & to delve into his poetry.
Frank O'Hara, the son of Russell Joseph O'Hara and Katherine Broderick, was born at Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore and grew up in Grafton, Massachusetts. He attended St. John's High
School in Worcester. He studied piano at the New England Conservatory in Boston from 1941 to 1944. O'Hara served in the South Pacific and Japan as a sonarman on the destroyer Us Nicholas during World War II.
With the funding made available to veterans he attended Harvard University, where he roomed with artist and writer Edward Gorey. Although he majored in music and did some composing, his attendance was irregular and his interests disparate. He regularly attended classes in philosophy and theology, while writing impulsively in his spare time. O'Hara was heavily influenced by visual art, and by contemporary music, which was his first love (he remained a fine piano player all his life and would often shock new partners by suddenly playing swathes of Rachmaninoff when visiting them). He did have favorite poets: Arthur Rimbaud, Stephane Mallarmé, Boris Pasternak, and Vladimir Mayakovsky. While at Harvard, O'Hara met John Ashbery and began publishing poems in the Harvard Advocate. Despite his love of music, O'Hara changed his major and graduated from Harvard in 1950 with a degree in English.
He then attended graduate school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. While at Michigan, he won a Hopwood Award and received his M.A. in English literature 1951. That autumn O'Hara moved into an apartment in New York City with Joe LeSueur, who would be his roommate and sometimes his lover for the next 11 years. Known throughout his life for his extreme sociability, passion, and warmth, O'Hara had hundreds of friends and lovers throughout his life, many from the New York art and poetry worlds. Soon after arriving in New York, he was employed at the front desk of the Museum of Modern Art and began to write seriously.
O'Hara was active in the art world, working as a reviewer for Art News, and in 1960 was made Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture Exhibitions for the Museum of Modern Art. He was also friends with the artists Willem de Kooning, Norman Bluhm, Larry Rivers and Joan Mitchell. O'Hara died following an accident on Fire Island in which he was struck and mortally injured by a man speeding in a beach vehicle during the early morning hours of July 24, 1966. He died the next day of a ruptured liver at the age of 40 and was buried in the Green River Cemetery on Long Island.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
wash, rinse, dry & buff

Michigan Man Sentenced to 90 Days in Prison for Sex Act With Car Wash Vacuum
29 year old, Jason Leroy Savage was caught by police performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum has been sentenced to 90 days in prison. Savage pleaded no contest to indecent exposure in the Saginaw County Courts.
From Sozo's Blog
noro-virus recovery part 2
time on my hands

the trouble with twitter
I gave it a try... I really did. I love new technology. I surf the net, I Email, I Facebook, I have a BLOG...oh, you know that. Even the husband tried it but instead of twittering, he twatted.
This is hysterical & it is even better when you are stoned.
"Twittering is randomly bragging about your unexceptional life."
Salt Lake City
Best Places to first time homebuyers
Point to be home? These cities are a good place to buy due to low foreclosure rates, strong job growth and lots of homes on the market
By FrontDoor.com | Published: 6/16/2008
1. Salt Lake City
Average price: $ 229,600
Price change: -1.6 percent
The job market is strong in Salt Lake City and executions have remained low, so the capital of Utah has escaped the worst of the merger of real estate. Prices have risen 3.7 percent last year. But it's still a buyer's market.
Houses in Salt Lake City
A link to Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover
Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover
Beautiful paint to granite counters, we have the low-cost, high impact decorating tips for the hardest working room in your house.
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I think this is just what you are looking for.
A link to Chic, Cheap Bathroom Makeover was by e-mail
If you in the mood for creative design wise, there is no better room than the bathroom.
Topics of Interest
* How To
* Makeover
* Living rooms
* Kitchens
* Bedrooms
Product Ideas
* Robert Abbey City Collection Swing Arm Wall Lamp
Robert Abbey City Collection Swing Arm Wall Lamp
* Workspace Project Table
Workspace Project Table
* Orange Aster Salad Plate
Orange Aster Salad Plate
* Bamboo sconce
Bamboo sconce
* Smart Round Marble coffee table
Smart Round Marble coffee table
More Product Ideas
1 of 5
If you feel like unleashing your creative potential of this weekend, point your palette to the bathroom. It is the room where you can complete a project in a weekend and still have money left over to keep Removal while you're waiting for the paint or polyurethane to dry.
"The beauty of a bathroom is small," says Gary Foreman, publisher of the dollar stretcher. "So if you've never painted sponge for, you can try an hour or two and if not like, what have you lost? You can paint over it the next day. If you're in the mood for creative design wise, there is no better room than the bathroom. "
Chinese Home Design, Feng shui Based Design

Chinese Home Design, Feng shui Based Design
Posted by team anto020681 Labels: chinese home design, traditional interior
In many Asian countries, before developing a building or place some furniture, they use a special way to guide. It's called Feng Shui, Although practiced in many Asian countries, but is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture. This is a set of guidelines for the ancient Chinese correctly placing objects and buildings. Feng shui states that all objects have a positive energy or negative, so care should be taken to balance this energy.
China inspired interior with bold color display ornate furniture and accessories. Pieces of furniture that tend to design with carved wood hand-painted details and high-gloss lacquered surfaces.
Accessories continue this dramatic by the style of animal motifs and mythological animals, like monkeys and dragons. Porcelain ginger jars, large vases, and fish Pot painted with patterns in some complex or in the blue and white also in the classical Chinese style interior. Other items that style is often seen large wall murals, plaques, and the folding screen that depicts the history of the characters and scenes in the legendary vibration or striking color palette.
Red is the color of the prominent Asian style interior design, perhaps because it means good luck in Chinese culture. Other bright colors such as yellow and green are used as accents as well. Colorful paper lanterns are often made very vibrant colors. Tended dark wood tones and rich colors.
Chinoiserie is a form of art where the furniture and accessories are patterned after detailed embellishments and complex design decoration from China. Meanwhile, Chinoiserie is sought at this time, which was originally popular in the mid 1800's Europe. China influence can also be seen in the architectural style used in many garden pavilions and pagodas.
Source: interiordesign.lovetoknow.com
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Sagami Bay Home
Sagami Bay Home
1 bay sagami architecture home
Conjured up and built by world renowned Foster + Partners, this modern house took place in the shadow of Mount Fiji in Kawana.
2 bay sagami architecture home
sagami architecture bay house 3
Integrated structure with elements of modern minimalist architecture ancient Japan to make the weekend a unique design that allows a lot of home ventilation and offer a lot of interior space. Special glass sliding doors, sliding walls, clear and opaque Shades and modern materials make it an ideal retreat and beautiful holiday hub.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kim Kardashian Workingout
Dhoni - Photoshoot for Big Bazaar
Cricketing Hunk & Fair Beauty Make A Hot PairAce Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni and hot model Shaheera Khan came together to do photoshoot for Big Bazaar Clothing Range. Mr Cricketer looked cool and clam in the company of hottie Shaheera. Have a dekho Dhoni doing.......
13 Images
Burger Grease Art - Video
This is called the burger grease art. Phil Hansen paints the Mona Lisa with burger grease. That shows how oily a burger is. Thumb up for this. Video after the break.
Sanwa new Throat Microphone
Throat microphones are mainly used by tactical assault groups and SWAT teams. It is something that you rarely see on the street. Today Sanwa come out with their latest hands free system, designed base on a military throat microphone. If you work in a noisy environment, this will improve the phone conversation. One more shot after the break.......
Pride 2009
Those close to me know that I have a deep interest in Gay History & that I collect early (1860-1960) photos of men being affectionate with each other.
I am WOWed over by this video by Jon Gilbert Leavitt and Kevin Hannan. Amazing & moving.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quote Of The Day

Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967)
From a conflicted and unhappy childhood, Parker rose to acclaim, both for her literary output in such venues as The New Yorker and as a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table, a group she later disdained. Following the breakup of that circle, Parker traveled to Hollywood to pursue screenwriting. Her successes there, including two Academy Award nominations, were curtailed as her involvement in left-wing politics led to a place on the infamous Hollywood blacklist.
Parker survived three marriages (two to the same man) and several suicide attempts, but grew increasingly dependent on alcohol. Dismissive of her own talents, she deplored her reputation as a "wisecracker". Nevertheless, her literary output and her sparkling wit have endured.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Portia De Rossi Says She Is Sorry
I know, Portia. I am sorry too. It was never my intention to redefine marriage for eveyone else when I married the man that I love! Really!
from the library (uncensored & raw)

Number of Songs: 4420
Most Recently Played Song: One Note Samba, John Pizzarelli
Most Played Song: Once In A Lifetime, Talking Heads
Most Recently Added Album: Best Of, Radiohead
First Song Alphabetically: A-Punk, Vampire Weekend
Last Song Alphabetically: 99 Miles From LA, Johnny Mathis
Smallest Song Numerically: 0:71, Roseanne Cash
Largest Song Numerically: 7 Days to Change Your Life, Jamie Cullum
Shortest Song: Love Moment #1, Ari Gold (0:38)
Longest Song: Stay, Jimmy Somerville (19:00)
First Album Alphabetically: Absolutely, ABC
Last Album Alphabetically: Zoolander, Original Soundtrack
First Band Alphabetically: a-ha
Last Band Alphabetically: !!!
First Ten Songs That Pop Up On Shuffle:
Satellite, Lou Reed
Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor
I love Flight of the Conchords. I have been catching up with last season on the internet. Business Time was a favorite from last season, but I am digging this song from season 2.
Richa is Miss India USA '07
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fruit Powered Clock
This is the eco-friendly Fruit Powered Clock, combines micro-electronic technology with the natural electrical potential of a.......
More Images
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Quote of the Day
Woody Allen
Today in Gay History

Gay People Born On This Day...
1886- Edward Everett Horton, actor, in Brooklyn, New York. Although he appeared in several films, Boomers remember him as the voice in Fractured Fairy Tales on the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon show. He remains one of my all time favorite character actors, although he was almost always given the traditional "sissy" roles.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Brett Dennen
This is a new (to me) artist that I am really digging. Folk is not my favorite genre, but I do have some in my collection & after all- I did go to church camp as a kid.
Brett Dennen is from California & I really love his voice... sort of an American David Grey?
Take a look & listen.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Emma Watson From Live Magazine
Emma watson was seen on the cover of Live Magazine for the February 2009 edition here are her photoshoot pictures, where opened up.......
14 Images
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hansika New Photo Shoot
Unique Village
Houses in village Kandovan are cut directly in rocks, in each rock on the.......
17 Images
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have always been attracted to talented people & have sometimes had crushes on guys, foremost, because of their talent. Hey... It is what first brought my eye to my future husband (first rate-A class set designer, director, actor, singer & handsome).
I have worked with Matt Dillon (twice), who always has lunch with the crew, not in his trailer & with Keifer Sutherland (also just "one of the guys"). They were both personable & great to work with. On DRUGSTORE COWBOY, Matt Dillon stayed & fed me his lines for all of the reverse shots of me. One day, in Seattle, I was in the antique store that R worked at. We were standing with a group of people that we knew & Matt Dillon & a woman friend came in. Everyone buzzed about Matt being in the store. R said- "Steve knows Matt Dillon" & everyone just sort of snorted & smiled a bit & looked like- "sure he does". Matt Dillon looked around, our eyes met & he said- "yo, Steve!". Everyone had whiplash from the surprise.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
modern home plan
PLAN specification
Total square footage: 2706
Main floor: 1599
Second floor: 1107
Bedrooms: 3
Full Bath: 2
Half bath: 1
Public Garage: 3
Width: 63'-8 "
Depth: 52'-4 "
Construction: 2x6
Construction roof type: truss
Foundation type: basement
ROOM Dimensions
Living room: 15'4 "x 17 '0"
Room: 13'6 "x 15 '4"
Kitchen: 15'0 "x 14 '0"
Restaurants: 13'4 "x 13 '8"
Nook: 15'0 "x 11 '8"
Master: 14'0 "x 17 '0"
2 bedrooms: 13'6 "x 11 '8"
3 bedrooms: 11'6 "x 11 '8"
Bonus Rooms: 26'6 "x 13 '0"
Garage: 26'6 "x 32 '8"
Ceiling Heights
1st Floor: Overall: 9 '/ Entry: 2-Story
2nd Floor: Overall: 8 '
Master suite: spa / whirlpool
Kitchen: island, snack bar, nook
Additional options: bonus room, family room
Shaker on the board's two-story exterior make this house look perfect for every setting. Formal living and dining room is used for elegant entertaining, while the living room, with view over the radio, is ideal for everyday use. News features about the kitchen counter, a walk-in pantry and center island, all designed to provide convenience to your life. Eating a bar and a breakfast nook adjacent to the perfect family meal. Top level, master bedroom provides enough space and a private bath room complete with luxurious spa bath. Two additional bedrooms, one with a window seat, sharing a full bath with separate dual vanities. Rooms on the floor above an option can be used as four bedroom, playroom, or office. Other room amenities include main floor laundry room and three car garage.
to be continue this site:www.ahmanndesign.com
design styles
With employees 18 people in three offices, we have experienced team and the infrastructure built to enable us to manage many projects simultaneously. Most of our clients are pleasantly surprised to learn that it takes only a few weeks, on its own proposal, most homes. They are even more surprises found that their own home, not to cost 5-7% of home prices. And because we specialize in residential design, we have inside track on the hottest design styles that are popular throughout the country.
to learn more.....
We have designed custom homes low as 1,200 square feet and as large as 15000, and no home is too large and complicated for us to deal with.
How much was the own home?
All user job offers are in the hourly rate and in many cases clients are glad that their homes cost significantly less than expected.
How long does it take to complete your own design?
Given that each work is custom, all have different amounts of time. Typically, once we have received your signed contract approved on offer you will receive a preliminary draft within a week or two. Once you have approved the preliminary draft, we will estimate the time required to complete the working drawings, since the larger the home, the more time we need.
You site consultation?
We should be more than happy to meet with you to visit your site, and depending on the locality, together we will estimate what it costs us to meet you. The price will include the flight and / or car mileage, car rentals, hotel accommodation, if necessary, and meeting time.
How do I start?
Let's meet with you either in person or by fax, phone or e-mail to go over all details, such as size, style, site issues, costs, and all the data that are important for the design of your home. We will then prepare an estimate to complete your design. Once you have signed and returned with the estimate we begin your project.
More Sam
Gay Men in History

Gently, whoever you are, you're no Michelangelo. He created iconic perfection in not one, not two, but three fields, and his burst of inspired genius lasted more than sixty-five years. He carved the Pieta when he was twenty-four, David when he was twenty-nine, painted the Sistine ceiling by thirty-seven, designed the Laurentian Library from his mid-forties to fifty, painted the Last Judgment from fifty-nine to sixty-six, and oversaw the construction of his St. Peter's basilica as he died at eighty-eight. Proud as he was, he was perpetually dissatisfied with his work.
If we lived in a world that valued verse as much as image, we might equally revere his poems. After his sixteen year-old boyfriend Cecchino dei Bracci died, Michelangelo wrote 48 epigrams commemorating their love. During the three decades of his relationship with Tommaso dei Cavalieri, thirty-four years his junior, Michelangelo created more than 300 sonnets to him that were so beautiful and universal they became a popular book after his death, but they were also so obviously sexual that Michelangelo's grand-nephew rewrote all the masculine pronouns as feminine. (For comparison, fifty years later Shakespeare penned 126 sonnets to his younger male lover, and 27 to the Dark Lady.) This degaying of Michelangelo's desire endured more than three centuries until John Addington Symonds translated the sonnets himself for his biography in 1893. Other of Michelangelo's young lovers were Gherardo Perini and Febbo di Poggio. Stephen Rutledge feels that Febbo di Poggio would make an awesome band name.
Again, as for the notion that gay sex (or the craziness of starstruck parents) is a 20th century invention, bear in mind that one of Niccolò Quaratesi's workers, trying to convince Michelangelo to accept his boy as an apprentice, suggested his son would also be hot in bed. The often arrogant Michelangelo gave a furious no. Art before everything.
Friday, March 6, 2009
kareena in yellow Saree
Gorgeous Kareena Kapoor in Yellow Saree at Tusshar kapoor's Birthday Bash — Seductive Kareena Kapoor does look lovely in her cheery yellow transparent saree.......
13 Images
Most Married Woman World Record
Mrs Wolfe, 68, is included in the Guinness Book of World Records for the dubious honour of being wed more times than anyone else alive. More after the break...
8 Technology etiquette tips for job-seekers
But think twice before picking up that BlackBerry and thumb-typing a message to the hiring manager whose e-mail address you so slyly uncovered online. In the end, landing the right job hinges on old-world skills.
"The electronic piece usually just gets your foot in the door," said Dave Willmer, executive director of Robert Half Technology, a tech industry recruiting division of Menlo Park, Calif.-based staffing consultant Robert Half International. "But you still have to present yourself well face-to-face in an interview, and you have to have good references," he said. "I think some job candidates lose sight of that because of all the technology options and capabilities that get your name out there."
Here are eight technology etiquette tips to help job seekers.
Resist the temptation to respond to each online job listing in your field, and focus on those that fit the best. Only about 6 percent of jobs are filled by candidates recruited through advertisements, said Wendleton, whose firm also conducts career research. If you can use personal contacts to learn about an opening that's not widely publicized, your chances of landing the job increase because you've got fewer rivals. Instead of blast e-mailing, use the Web to research potential employers and put yourself in position to recite key facts about that company should you land an interview. "Too many people are sitting there all day hitting that send button on their computer, answering ads, answering ads," Wendleton said.
If the hiring manager is OK with email, send a message that addresses any unanswered questions from the interview and state that you're also mailing a hardcopy. In the snail mail message, do refer that you have also sent an email.
Whatever you do, don't follow up on an interview with an email sent via a handheld gadget - there's too great a chance you'll thumb-type a typo-ridden message. Only use handhelds to send brief, timely emails confirming an appointment or advising you're running late for a meeting. Don't type without regard to grammar and capitalization, and resist including smiley faces or other emoticons in electronic messages. "There is no circumstance where that is appropriate," Wendleton said.
Even if you managed to track down a hiring manager's cell phone number, don't call it unless given permission. "Cell phones are considered private," Wendleton said.
Willmer and Kate Wendleton, president of The Five O'Clock Club, a New York-based career counseling company, advise that job seekers - especially the young and tech-savvy - frequently misuse electronic gadgets and the Web and run roughshod over professional etiquette.
If you lack a land line, call from a quiet place like a hotel lobby. Have a pen and pad ready so you can jot down information.
"Write something like, "I was intrigued by your LinkedIn posting. I see you have 10 years of international experience. I too have 10 years of international experience,'" Wendleton said.
Likewise, think before posting political opinions or personal information in blogs or other online forums. Consider posting under a pseudonym rather than your name. "As a job candidate, I would encourage people to be conservative," said Willmer. "Assume that anybody has access to anything."

If you resort to e-mail pitches, make them personal. If you're introducing yourself to a hiring manager you've identified via a professional colleague, type that colleague's name in the e-mail's subject line and succinctly explain the link (example "John Doe referred me") so the manager is less likely to hit delete.
Courtesy: AP