Saturday, November 26, 2005

Black Friday (or Why PARD Can't Win)

From today's Lewiston Tribune:

"An estimated 800 people line up before 5 a.m. in the Wal-Mart parking lot at Lewiston to get an early start on holiday bargains. The line started forming five hours before, at midnight, and took almost five minutes to get through the front door."

Over in Renton and Puyallup, police had to be called to deal with crowds of shoppers at Wal-Mart stores there.

Shoppers continue to vote with their wallets and feet despite the millions spent by the UFCW and other labor organizations, the Michael Moore-style propaganda movie, the moronic letters to the editor from Gerard Connelly, Nancy Maxeiner and Joan Harris, and the lies, whining and kvetching from organizations like PARD. Wal-Mart continues to laugh all the way to the bank because they give the American people what they want. And Wal-Mart will continue to prosper until someone comes along and does it better than they do.

All the nattering of the left-wing, hate-America-First activists will have no effect. As Shakespeare said, "It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". It is also a recipe for disaster at the ballot box. Just ask Judy Krueger and Gary Johnson. The Democrats will also find this out to their chagrin in 2006 and 2008 if they follow the doomed "Bash Wal-Mart" strategy.

This Thanksgiving season, I'm more thankful than ever that we still live in a country where the people get to decide, not the government or the intellectual and cultural snobs of PARD.

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